Hey Guys, I know...I know....I have been a horrible blogger lately. But, I have a good excuse.....mom is 7 months pregnant!!!! The bad part of that is I don't get taken on long luxurious trail runs quite as often as I would like. Mom is trying to keep up with her trail running but it is slowly but surely turning into hiking. Which is not bad, but I can't wait to get my paws rumbling through the trails on a regular basis again. In the meantime, we are just waiting for the arrival of my new little sister. The first baby of the family! I am hoping Dad will make a saddle that I can wear and strap little Talia on to show her what trail running is all about....I suppose mom wouldn't like seeing her newborn being flung across the trails on the back of a giant yellow lab..........I will keep dreaming though....until next time.....keep running like the wind and enjoying every second of it!
Saturday, June 02, 2007
Sunday, September 24, 2006

Things are going great around the yellowbus household. I got Mom and Dad new Mountain bikes. I can't keep up with them when they ride the trails, so I have to stay home when they ride. Which is fine with me, I need time for my mega naps every now and then. Plus, when they are out there riding, I know they are having fun, which makes me happy. This is Mom's first Mountain Bike. She got a Gary Fisher Big Sur. She is catching on really quickly and just loves it. She used to do a lot of road riding, but is now asking herself why she never started Mountain Biking. She is fully addicted. Dad is being very patient with her and teaching her lots of different skills. He used to do a lot of Mountain Biking in his days and is very happy to be on the trails again. The bike he got is the GT Avalanche 1.0. It is an amazing bike for a really great price. Dad is very pleased with his bike. I have already entered Mom and Dad into a race in December. Mountain Biking is so great for cross training because it helps build strength in the old quads. They can already feel the difference climbing the hills when trail running.
Speaking of trail running, we went on a kick ass trail yesterday. It is in South Mountain Park in Phoenix and starts on the north side of South Mountain at 19th Ave. It goes on for miles because it connects to many other trails. It is the perfect training ground because it has a mixture of steep climbs, technical downhill and long sections for endurance. I was in heaven on this trail yesterday.
Below are the pictures:
This first picture is a view of the trail - to get to this point we had to climb over the mountain in the back ground.

Ahhhhh, resting in the shade.

This picture gives you an idea of the different types of terrain this trail has to offer.

Yeah - I look good.

Come on, hurry it up folks - I am waitin' for ya.

Okay, so some of you may think I look exhausted in this picture...but the truth is I am showing Mom and Dad some new stretches....I swear.

I am so glad it has finally started to cool off in AZ. Mom and Dad are finally starting to get into the nitty gritty of their ultra training. They even have a trail race to look forward to on Oct 14th! With the long runs, steep hikes and mountain biking, I know they will be ready!
Stay happy folks and keep living large - I know I will!!
Friday, September 15, 2006

Hello my fine friends! Sorry it has been so long since I have updated. My mom started a new job and is unable to e-mail or "goof off" at her new job so she is now on the computer at night, which leaves less time for me to blog. So sad....but I will make it. I am a happy camper. I have lots of things to update you on - the race my parents just did - our trip to South Dakota - Mom and Dad's Mtn Biking adventures and our upcoming trips. So no worries, I will be back. I just have to keep staring at mom even more so she gets off the computer and I can write. Ya all come back now - ya hear?
Wednesday, August 23, 2006

Here is a picture of the trail we ran on a week ago. I recommend it. It is like running in Ireland.

Tuesday, August 15, 2006

Whew, what a FANTASTIC trip. The only bummer is that I forgot batteries for my digital camera so I was unable to take pictures of our running adventures. I had a great time this past weekend. Started off with an excellent drive up north. I stayed awake the entire time, I was so excited to get up to the cool weather. Once we got there, I got to see Grandma and Grandpa and Uncle Koda. Koda is also a yellow lab. He is a little scared of me. I get so happy to see him that I charge at him and it scares him so he barks at me, which scares me and makes me bark. Ah man, but I love him, I think we will work out our differences one of these days. We spent Friday night just chillin'. And woke up the next day to muddy trails and rain. We did not let this spoil our fun though and we ended up going on a quick run in Greer, Az. It was beautiful. We ran up a forest road that over looked the town. The next day is when we got to go on an amazing trail run. The trail we ran on is 21 miles long, we did not run that far, but it was one of the best we have been on in North Eastern Arizona. I felt like I was running in Ireland. We ran across a very large meadow with mountains surrounding us. I read a sign that said we were in wolfe country so that was a little scary, although, I tried to pretend like it didn't bother me. Man oh Man, it felt good to run on the trails. I lept through puddles , jumped over rocks, and flew up and down the hills. It was amazing. I felt so refreshed when I was done. After our run we headed back down to Phoenix. I slept the entire way dreaming of my run. I can't wait until it cools off here so we can spend more time on the trails and I can run wild!
Monday, August 07, 2006

Hey Folks, sorry for the long delay in between writings. It has been a busy week around here. I haven't been able to get on the computer much. Mom, is looking for a new job and is ALWAYS on the computer so it is hard for me to update. Put good thoughts out there for mom!
This weekend should be great, we are going on a family camping trip up in North Eastern Arizona. Ahhhh, the cool mountains here we come. You know what cool mountains equal - TRAIL RUNNING!!!! Yayyyy. I will be sure to post some pictures after our trip!
Friday, July 28, 2006

Mmmm mmmm - as much as I like licking the salt off of Dad's face after a long AZ run, I have to admit he is too salty! Yucko! I went to Runner's Den yesterday and purchased my parents two Runner's Den visors. They have a really great sweat stopper on the inner lining. No more burning eyes for the parents and no more super salty kisses for me. Perfect. I also signed Mom and Dad up for a REI credit card. With each REI purchase they get 10% back in REI credits to use. They love that store. Don't tell anyone, but they often go to REI and just walk around on the weekends for something to do. That is what they call entertainment. A far cry from the old partying days for sure! Check out my picture below, it is of me showing Mom and Dad how cool their new hats are. I was licking my lips because I than tried to eat the hat after I took this picture, I can't stop myself, I am a lab.